Installing & Updating Block Styles

Block Styles Plugin Installation Requirements

PHP Recommendations

We recommend using PHP 5.6 at the very least to use our products. This is because any version before 5.6 does not have the security updates to keep your site safe.

WordPress currently recommends using version 7.4 or greater.

MySQL and Server Recommendations

  • MySQL: It is recommended to run MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater.
  • Server: Any server that supports PHP and My SQL will do but WordPress recommends Apache or Nginx.

Visit WordPress Requirements for more information.

Installing Block Styles Plugin

Locate the Zip File

First, locate your .zip file, and log in to your Block Styles Account.

Then, click Downloads and click on the plugin file to download the .zip folder.

Block Styles for WordPress installation screenshot.

Uploading via the WordPress Admin

First, in your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins -> Add New.

Block Styles add new plugin in WordPress admin.

Then, navigate to Upload Plugin and locate the plugin .zip file you just downloaded.

Upload WordPress plugin button.
Choose WordPress plugin file to upload.

Next, click Install Now.

After plugin installation is complete, click Activate.

Block Syles activation menu in WordPress admin area.

Uploading via FTP

Alternatively, you could upload the plugin via FTP by:

  1. Download the new version of Block Styles
  2. Extract/Unzip the plugin folder on your computer
  3. Navigate to wp-content -> plugins with your favorite FTP program
  4. Upload the extracted plugin folder in the WordPress plugins (wp-content -> plugins) folder
  5. Activate the plugin in the WordPress dashboard (Dashboard -> Plugins -> Block Styles)

Updating Block Styles Plugin

We will go over a couple of ways to update your Block Styles plugin via the WordPress dashboard, as well as how to manually update it.

We strongly recommend making a backup or having a system in place that makes backups of your WordPress site before updating so that you can roll back quickly.

Option One

To keep Block Styles automatically updated, navigate to Dashboard -> Plugins.

Then select Enable auto-updates.

Option Two

Navigate to Dashboard -> Updates.

WordPress admin sidebar.

Navigate and select the Block Styles plugin on the screen that looks like this:

WordPress update plugins page.

Then click Update Plugins.

Option Three

Click the Plugins tab in the WordPress admin sidebar.

Navigate and select the Block Styles plugin.

Then select, Apply and then click Update.

Manually Updating Block Styles Plugin

While we recommend automatic updates, here is an outline of how to do it manually.

First, in your Block Styles Account, navigate to Downloads and download the new version of Block Styles.

Next, navigate to Plugins on the WordPress admin bar.

After downloading the new version of Block Styles, follow the installation steps again via your wp-admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload.

WordPress will then ask you if you want to replace the old plugin, select yes and voila!

Manually Updating Block Styles Plugin via FTP

  1. Download the new version of Block Styles
  2. Extract/Unzip the plugin folder on your computer
  3. Navigate to wp-content -> plugins with your favorite FTP program
  4. Upload the extracted plugin folder in the WordPress plugins (wp-content -> plugins) folder
  5. Select “overwrite” when prompted to replace the old plugin with the updated version

If you experience any issues when updating, feel free to reach us at our support page.


Make sure you always have a fresh backup before updating your site. You should also always test any updates in a staging or development environment before pushing any changes to production. Meaning, do not ever update live without backups and proper testing first.

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